Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Essence of CHRISTMAS

Image result for essence of christmas          Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ. A time for us to understand the lessons from Jesus & reflect on them. Jesus brought a new religion based on love & the vision of a God who is full of compassion & forgiveness; a vision of doing everything with a positive mindset & from a place of love.

          This month, I heard three different people talk about December, they all said the same thing:, oh my “its December, an expensive month”. This caught my attention, why is it that people are talking about an expensive month instead of being happy that it is almost Christmas. We give each other presents but do we really know the essence of Christmas?. Jesus himself said, “love thy neighbour as thy self”.

          Christmas is not all about merry making. We must also spare time to reflect on the essence of the period which is the love of God for humanity. This unquantifiable love is summed up in the popular bible verse John 3: 16 “For God so loved the world that he gave us his only begotten son, that whosoever believe in him will not perish but have eternal life.”When we ponder on God’s love for us, we too are encouraged to share love with others, to embrace peace and be our brother’s keeper. When we are imbued with this love of God, we will be always willing to give a helping hand to those in need, to give succour and comfort to the vulnerable ones among others. Last Christmas and this year 2019 was very happy, joyful and cool, and I wish that this incoming Christmas and New Year are much better than last year.


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