What is bullying? Bullying refers to aggressive behavior to dominate other person. Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by words or actions. It can affect everyone those who are bullied, who bully and those who witness bullying. Bullying is also about the person and also to the person'n problem or any factors that can caused him/her to bully others.
There are four types of bullying, one is the Social Bullying wich includes consistently excluding another person or sharing information or images that will have a harmful effect on the other person. Second is tha Physical Bullying, it is refers to bullying that includes the punching and kicking or aiming to hurt someone. Third is Cyber Bullying, one of the worst thing wich is happening in the social media. Last is the Verbal Bullying, prepetators of verbal bullying use words, statements, and name calling to gain power and control over a target.
Bullying is not correct, it's never ok, it's never cool, it never makes you look good by doing it. Always be friends with anyone you meet.